Thursday, April 29, 2010

2years yyeeaayy

today me and awang dah 2 years 30april2008 even both of us slalu kaie p i ttp syg n cintakn awang.. I hope me n baby akan berkekalan smpey khwn ada anak ada cucu ada cicit n smpey akhr hyat..happy aniverssary baby..i love you so much..bye sayang X0X0 toodlless mmuuahh...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

hari yg paling menyedihkan :/

I dlm class mcm org gila jak 2day.. I cry cry cry..apa ku nak buat tanpa nya..i SAYANG awang gilak gilak gilak..i cant live without him.. Bkn slh i bh..benda ya terjadi tanpa pengetahuan..i excited glak dpt jmpa sheikh..GODNESS help me.. I want him back..pls pls..urgghh... BABY? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I REALLY MISS YOU...bye TOODLESS

Saturday, April 17, 2010


today just staying at home..omg!! SO SO SO i just online la today(:

today st.teresa ada sport day p i x pg la tkut sunburn..huhuhuhu...biasa la
nak menjaga kecantikan..hahaha..jgn jelous..hope sylvia house menang...
ouh ya..last nite..i pg nanga movie (: clash of the la juak p mcm
cerita percie jackson but nvrmnd la..thumbs up for the director..then i pg
mamam sushi king..lama x mkn sushi..SEDAP..california roll(:
then i pulang rumah..shwr thn trus zzzzzzzzzzzzz...hehehe..fhm2 je la...exam x lamak gik eyh..tkut..dah lah this exam full format spm..
ADOHHHH..bak kata cikgu mary..hehehe..cikgu fav ZOORA (;
sorry zoora..boh marah k..lak ash pujuk..hehehe..ouh ya thankss to zoora
coz she buat my blog bckground..ok lah sayang..bye..TOODLESS XOXO

stomache :(

today my stomache sakit..xpat stdy..hehehe..i pat 3g with my huby lam class tdik(:

apa gik ouh..xingt la sayang...ouh ya my besties dah ada blog..xlah i keseorangan...hehehe..
dah lah..bye..i wanna sleep..ily sayang..btw..hpe my huby cll me 2nite (: toodless..
XOXO mmmuuuuahhhh....

Monday, April 12, 2010


hari ini me n zoora dah ok (: xmok kaie gik eyh..childish kali jak...
2day skul cam biasa la...knk buli ngan zai...sejarah nang damn boring...
hishhhh....ouh ya..last week my huby gve smthng 4 me...necklace n handfone..
ohmygod i really like the necklace..dkt necklace ya..ada tulis 'i miss you' n 'i love you...
first i tngok necklace ya..i cry..coz i rasa mcm d sygi..thankss baby (: zai n ellyna jelouse..
they said my hubby so romantic hehehe...nang pun (: tdk zai n ellyna tngok pic huby..
ellyna said my huby hensem..hensem ke??but i nang jelous bis..coz ellyna always nak
tngok pic huby...hurrrrrmmm....k lah lak cntinue gik..bye..SAYANG...toodless..mmuuuahh..